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时间:2023-05-20 06:52 阅读数:7015人阅读

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Dragon lantern ready to shineWorkers renovate the Chinese Dragon Lantern ,a landmark of Fenhe River scenic area in Taiyuan,April 7.They substituted 8,000 LED lights for the former 3,700 incandescent lamps,whichLantern Festival celebrated in Bangladesh with Chinese culture competition-Xinhua|English.news.cnDHAKA,March 5(Xinhua)-A Chinese culture competition was conducted in Bangladesh's leading North South University on Monday to celebrate the Chinese Lantern Festival,which falls on 。

Untitled Document中文简体|中文繁体|EnglishLantern riddles beloved ahead Lantern FestivalAn international student from India tries to work out a lantern riddle in Tianjin February 25,2010.China is welcoming the Lantern Festival which falls on Sunday.Riddle solving is 。

Happy Lantern FestivalCaused by the culture differences in the north and south,the ways to make tangyuan and yuanxiao are quite different,but they both are the traditional food during the Lantern Lantern Show[1]Attracted by Taiyuan Ancient Town Lantern Carnival,than 68,000 tourists have visited ancient Taiyuan county since it reopened to the public,following years of restoration work。

人民日报海外版-人民网水立方再次举行“点亮蓝灯”活动,用行动表达对自闭症群体的理解和关注,用海蓝色的深情呼吁全社会“尊重不同、点亮希望”。这是水立方第七次举办关爱自闭症的活动。本次活动由中国华侨公益基金Lantern Festival-China Youth InternationalA Chinese woman walks under lanterns in Yu Garden in Shanghai February 12,2006.Chinese people celebrate on Sunday the traditional Lantern Festival which marks the last day of the 。

Lantern Festival celebrationsVisitors walk next to a huge dragon lantern at a park in Kaifeng,Central China's Henan Province on February 11,2006.China's traditional Lantern Festival falls on February 12 this Lantern Festival on countdownWatching dragon and lion dances,guessing lantern riddles and eating tangyuan(glutinous rice balls)are a few of the most popular activities across China during the Lantern Festival。

