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时间:2023-05-19 18:01 阅读数:1738人阅读

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⊙^⊙ Untitled Document中文简体|中文繁体|EnglishLanterns light up the world[2]Illuminated pandas are displayed at the Philadelphia Chinese Lantern Festival at Franklin Square in Philadelphia,Pennsylvania,on May 28,2016.[Photo/IC]。

≥ω≤ 友情链接校(院)简介校史沿革组织机构大事记校园建设统计概况现任领导校长(院长):陈希分管日常工作的副校长(副院长):谢春涛副校长(副院长):李毅副校长(副院长):龚维斌教育长My Lantern,my festivalAbout fifty kids enjoyed a workshop about how to make lanterns in the Capital Museum on Friday afternoon,as part of the activities held by the organization to welcome the Lantern 。


(°ο°) Hundreds in Benin enjoy Chinese Lantern Festival celebration-Xinhua|English.news.cnA series of events mark the festival in the presence of the Chinese community,and all walks of life of the Benin people,including students in the Adjadji artistic and cultural Bright lights-Chinadaily.com.cnZhongshan,South China's Guangdong province,is best known as the hometown of political and revolutionary leader Sun Yat-sen(1866-1925),known as the Father of Modern China.。


